community of practice
Professional growth requires a collaborative interactive environment with opportunities to access expert help and on-demand support. PEARLL is developing and implementing models for the coaching of language educators. The PEARLL Community of Practice will leverage the resources developed to support the TELL framework and connect educators with language learning experts and other practicing educators to provide just-in-time feedback and support for improvement. In the initial pilot phase of this project, PEARLL will work with a few selected world language departments to test and implement new coaching models. We anticipate launching a national community of practice in January 2022.

Common Goals
Be part of a collaborative team working to improve student learning by focusing on a common goal.
Coaching and Feedback
Work with a PEARLL facilitator and receive support and feedback in identifying, determining, and assessing evidence of progress toward goals.
Professional Learning
Improve your practice by participating in an inquiry-based approach to professional learning based on evidence from your practice.
Grow Your Practice
Apply new learning and engage in a cycle of learning throughout the year to grow your department or community.

July 2021
Apply for your department or identify members to create a local professional learning community to become a PEARLL-supported Community of Practice. Applications must be submitted no later than August 13, 2021.
August 2021
If accepted, meet during August at a mutually agreeable time with a PEARLL virtual facilitator to develop a plan for fall 2021.
September/October 2021
Begin monthly meetings with a PEARLL virtual facilitator no later than one month after the start of your school year. Identify individual teacher and community strengths as well as areas of growth via Catalyst.
Fall/Winter 2021
Interact with a PEARLL virtual facilitator who will guide, collaborate with, and coach members. Document evidence of both individual and group growth via Catalyst.