Innovative Lesson Design

Innovative Lesson Design
Participate in a Year-long Professional Learning Experience.
Connect With Other Educators of Less Commonly Taught Languages
Become a Model Classroom for the STARTALK Community
A Free Professional Learning Program for Teachers of Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, and Russian
program overview

Pre-CampMarch 2023 - June 2023
Pre-camp activities will include 20 hours of synchronous and asynchronous learning designed to build your background knowledge before the residential summer camp.
Connect with Other Educators
Participate in a series of online meetings and meet language teachers from around the country to build a community of learners.
Analyze Model Curricula
Acquire knowledge about effective unit and lesson design. Analyze and modify sample units to ensure that they have clearly identified performance objectives and performance tasks in the three communicative modes. Develop or revise a unit that you intend to work with during the summer session.
Review Recorded Lessons
Analyze prerecorded video lessons for elements of effective lesson design and reflect on the unit and lessons you will work with in the summer.

Summer CampJune 22-June 29, 2023
Engage in a 60-hour residential program on the campus of the University of Maryland. Participate in a variety of workshops, language-specific small group sessions, and collaborative work sessions to develop lessons.
Connect with Other Educators
Benefit from focused time on your professional goals with other educators who share similar goals. Participate in focused workshops and discussions to advance your understanding of lesson design. Give yourself quality time to connect with other educators teaching the same language.
Observe Demo Lessons
Work collaboratively to create demo lessons. Teach and receive feedback on your lessons. Observe and provide feedback on demo lessons taught by other teachers. Interact with language-specific coaches.
Develop a Growth Plan
Work with other educators and a language coach to determine personal next steps for implementation of new learning in your classroom.

Post-CampSeptember 2023 - April 2024
Engage in 40 hours of synchronous and asynchronous learning designed to support your continued professional growth.
Design & Implement Lessons
Participate in online small group sessions to clarify understanding of new learning. Apply new learning by creating two complete lesson plans.
Work with a Language Coach
Share each lesson plan with your learning coach, receive feedback, and revise prior to teaching each lesson.
Record Model Lessons
Teach and record the two lessons. Share the recorded lessons. Reflect on the lesson documenting your professional growth journey in the STARTALK program.
program staff
Thomas SauerProgram Director

Thomas Sauer is the codirector of PEARLL, a Title VI language resource center at the University of Maryland, where he has facilitated face-to-face and online annual professional development for language teachers. He previously worked as an independent consultant and a K–12 world language specialist for several school systems in Kentucky. Mr. Sauer taught German at the University of Kentucky, Georgetown College, the Kentucky Institute for International Studies, and Kentucky Educational Television. He is a sought-after workshop facilitator, curriculum developer, and keynote speaker. He previously served as an instructional lead for several successful STARTALK teacher programs. Mr. Sauer holds an MA in instructional leadership and school administration from Bellarmine University.
Laura TerrillInstructional Lead

Laura Terrill is a nationally recognized independent consultant who recently worked as the senior associate for professional development for the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. She taught French at all levels for 21 years before becoming the coordinator of foreign language and English as a second language and then director of curriculum for a school district in Missouri. She has taught methods courses in St. Louis and Indianapolis and continues to present at the local, state, regional, and national levels. She has served on the board of directors for the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and ACTFL. She coauthored the second edition of The Keys to Planning for Learning: Effective Curriculum, Unit, and Lesson Design. Ms. Terrill holds a BA in French from the University of Missouri and an MA in secondary administration from Northeast Missouri State University.
Sharon SolerProject Manager

Sharon Soler’s work at the National Foreign Language Center since 2009 has included guiding the creation of language learning materials in over 30 languages, ensuring the quality and timely delivery of all project deliverables, and managing critical processes for the NFLC in its administration of the STARTALK federal grant program. Prior to her work at the NFLC Ms. Soler was an Assistant Director with the Office of Professional Studies at the University of Maryland, where she oversaw enrollment and student services for post-graduate programs targeted to working professionals. Ms. Soler holds a BA in Government from Georgetown University.
Thank you for your interest in the 2023 STARTALK Teacher Program “Coaching for Innovative Lesson Design in STARTALK Model Classrooms” at the University of Maryland. Please note that this program is designed for current U.S. based teachers of Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, and Russian with at least three years of teaching experience! Participation is FREE due to funding from STARTALK.
Part I
Complete the google form below. Your responses will be automatically recorded and can be edited any time before you hit the “submit” button. As part of the form you will need to submit a link to a current lesson plan and a personal statement of up to 500 words describing how you would benefit from participating in the STARTALK program.
Part II
Qualified applicants will be invited to participate in an interview and submit additional evidence from their current practice. Invited participants will need to submit a recorded video of a lesson they recently taught and submit a letter of support from their administration.
Participation is very limited! Please complete your application as soon as possible!
about the STARTALK program
STARTALK is a federal grant program funded by the National Security Agency. STARTALK grants fund several types of innovative programs that create strong language learning outcomes for K-16 students, provide in-depth, quality teacher development, and develop support materials and resources for educators in order to meet the goals for critical need languages in the United States. STARTALK’s overall mission is to increase the number of young Americans learning and speaking critical need foreign languages by offering creative and engaging learning experiences for K-16 students.
STARTALK provides the funds to offer this program FREE for eligible participants.
For more information about STARTALK, please visit their website.
frequently asked questions
Please review answers to the following frequently asked questions. Should you have additional questions please contact us at pearll@nflc.umd.edu
The University of Maryland STARTALK Program is a program offered by Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning (PEARLL), a Title VI language resource center at the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland.