PEARLL Summer Institute: Payment

Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning

A Title VI Language Resource Center

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2020 PEARLL Summer Institutes

Thank you for registering for a 2020 PEARLL Summer Institute!

In order to complete you registration you must choose one of the following payment options and submit your full payment prior to the start of the institute. Based on the selection you made on the registration form, choose the matching payment option below. You may choose to pay via credit card or ….

Session 1 (July): Registration Only: $50.00

Session 1 (July): Registration + CEU: $75.00

Session 3 (August): Registration Only: $50.00

Session 3 (August): Registration + CEU: $75.00

Session 2: Registration Only: $50.00

Session 2: Registration + CEU: $75.00

Session 1 & 2: Registration Only: $100.00

Session 1 & 2: Registration + CEU: $150.00

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Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning

National Foreign Language Center
University of Maryland
5600 Rivertech Court, Suite K
Riverdale, MD 20785

(301) 405-9828