PEARLL Summer Institute 2019: Teacher Effectiveness

Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning

A Title VI Language Resource Center

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2019 PEARLL Summer Institutes

Session 2: Teacher Effectiveness

Districts and departments who are focused on developing and implementing a performance-based world language curriculum with district-wide assessments will consider how the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) Framework provides guidance for more effective instruction resulting in accelerated learning for students. This in-depth professional learning opportunity for district and teacher leaders will engage with and create tools that will support the implementation of effective instruction and assessment. Participants will engage in collaborative work centered around a common definition for high-quality world language learning in order to support the professional growth and development of world language teachers.

July 11-13

The institute will start on Thursday afternoon at 2 PM and end on Saturday afternoon at 2 PM Lunch, snacks and refreshments will be provided each day. Participants are encouraged to bring their own water bottle.


The institute will take place at the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC). Transportation from the hotel to the institute site will be provided each day.

“The Hotel”

In order to maximize professional learning time in this institute, participants in this institute are encouraged to make hotel reservations at The Hotel, (Room Rates are $149 per night)


Early/Regular Registration rate. In order to provide each participant time to receive individualized feedback on the work, space for this institute is limited. Be sure to register early.

Register today!

Lead Facilitators

Greta Lundgaard  is a Senior Associate at the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland and is a content and professional development specialist with the STARTALK Program.  Greta holds a BS in Education and an MA in German and Second Language Acquisition. She taught English, Biology, and all levels of German before becoming the District Coordinator of Foreign Languages for the Lewisville, TX Independent School District and the Plano, TX Independent School District.  Greta was named the NADSFL Supervisor of the Year in 2014, received the ACTFL Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in K-12 Education in 2016 and in 2017 was awarded the Ludwig Award for Leadership in World Language Education by the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers. She has served both on the Board of Directors and as President of the Texas Association for Language Supervision, the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages, and the Southwest Conference of Language Teaching.  Greta is a session and workshop presenter at state, regional and national foreign language conferences and frequently partners with schools and school districts to provide coaching and professional learning experiences for world language teachers.

Laura Terrill is a national consultant who holds a BA in French from the University of Missouri — St. Louis and a MA in Secondary Administration from Northeast Missouri State University. She taught French at all levels for 21 years before becoming the Coordinator of Foreign Language and English as a Second Language and then, Director of Curriculum.  She has taught methods courses in St. Louis and in Indianapolis and continues to present at the local, state, regional and national levels. She has served on the Board of Directors for Central States and ACTFL. She is the recipient of the Founders Award for Central States, has been named as the NADSFL District Supervisor of the Year and has received the ACTFL Florence Steiner Award for Leadership. She recently co-authored the Second Edition of ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning: Effective Curriculum, Unit and Lesson Design. She is currently a Senior Associate for Professional Development for the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland.

Thomas Sauer been described as a visionary thinker, designer and change facilitator and applies those traits in his current role as Director of PEARLL and Senior Associate for Professional Development for National Foreign Language Center. He holds an MA in Germanic Languages and Literatures from the University of Kentucky as well as an MA in Instructional Leadership and School Administration from Bellarmine University.  He previously worked as an independent consultant for multiple years after serving as World Language Specialist for school systems in major urban areas such as Louisville, Kentucky. He served on the Board of Directors of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), as President of the Kentucky World Language Association (KWLA) as well as on the Board of the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages (NADSFL) and the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSCTFL).

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Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning

National Foreign Language Center
University of Maryland
5600 Rivertech Court, Suite K
Riverdale, MD 20785

(301) 405-9828