2022: Charting New Pathways
Building on the success of the 2020 Virtual Summit, this year’s Summit featured live, interactive presentations by featured speakers Heather Sweetser and Florencia Henshaw; live podcast recordings; and two days of presentations from classroom educators, researchers, and experts in the field. Recordings of the sessions from the Virtual Summit will remain online and free. Take a look—or another look—and find videos that meet some of your current professional needs.
We Teach Languages
Hosts Stacey Johnson and Maris Hawkins interview classroom teachers Trudy Anderson and Vicky Mason to discuss the diverse perspectives of real teachers.
Language Lounge
Host Michelle Olah talked with Valarie Rossi about creating learning environments where ALL students can learn and her journey using differentiation in her language classrooms.
World Language Classroom
Host Joshua Cabral spoke with Ben Tinsley (https://www.afrofranco.com/about) about equitable feedback practices during this live recording of the podcast.
I particularly loved the pre-recorded sessions since I felt I can have choices. I watched most sessions and appreciated those which provided a place to take notes, the handouts and the slide decks.
I appreciate how some [presenters] did not profess to be experts instead offering new ways of looking at our profession or challenging the ways in which we think.
I have to say thank you for keeping the recordings at the 30 minute mark. That makes them so digestible.
Great presenters, was nice to see some diversity as well.
The experience was tremendous with lots of interesting information. I gained a wealth of knowledge from the various presenters.
The virtual summit is an amazing resource, especially for teachers who cannot afford to travel in-person to professional conferences. Thank you for making this learning opportunity possible.
Additional PEARLL Resources:
Additional PEARLL Resources:
Additional PEARLL Resources:
Additional PEARLL Resources:
THANK YOUto all presenters, participants, and staff who participated in this year's Virtual Summit!
The Virtual Summit was organized by staff at the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) in collaboration with Professionals in Education Advancing Research & Language Learning (PEARLL). We thank the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Maryland for being a sponsoring partner of the Virtual Summit.