WTL - Episode 146
In this episode, Thomas Sauer leads a panel discussion with four language educators, Marta Silva, Georges Chahwan, Natalie Stamper, and Elizabeth Matchett, as part of the monthly virtual teacher panel from the NFLC (National Foreign Language Center). Each month, this series gathers a different group of experienced teachers via video conference to discuss a domain of the TELL (Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning) framework. We Teach Languages has partnered with NFLC to disseminate these panel discussions in audio format as well. In this episode, the panel considers questions such as: How do you create positive relationship with students in online and hybrid environments? How can teachers collaborate with students to create a safe environment? How do we focus on language performance under the constraints of an online/hybrid format? What is the role of intercultural thinking in language learning?

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about the podcast
We Teach Languages is a podcast series produced by Stacey Johnson (Vanderbilt University) in partnership with PEARLL. Through interviews and conversations teachers explore the question, “What does excellent language teaching look like?” Supported by a team of volunteers, We Teach Languages, in addition to new episodes, produces a newsletter, episode guides and other professional learning resources. Through the PEARLL partnership every episode is transcribed with transcripts. Future work will include aligning episode content to indicators of the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) Framework.