Embracing Flexibility: Discover, Discuss and (Re)Design
Are there things that world language programs were doing before that now seem less relevant and things that programs weren’t doing that seem far more important? The NADSFL Principles of Effective World Language Programs describe the interconnectedness of Program Design, Curriculum, Assessment and Teacher Effectiveness. The impact of each facet will benefit from purposeful reflection as programs consider new realities. Participants in this institute will consider how evidence from classroom observation connects to each facet. Using the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) Framework, participants will analyze classroom video to determine both how to coach individual teachers and how to analyze program effectiveness. Make time to plan for the design or re-design of key elements of your program. This institute is designed for district supervisors and department chairs.
August 2-4, 2021
The schedule for each day includes varies learning formats. See below for details.
CEU Credit
Participants may receive an optional 1.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
Registration is extremely limited in order to personalize the learning.
institute outcomes
1. Align each TELL Domain to key Learning Pathways and Program Indicators found in the NADSFL Principles of Effective World Language Programs
2. Analyze classroom video for evidence of teacher and program effectiveness
3. Use TELL and Catalyst as supports when coaching teachers
4. Develop a plan for program design or re-design
The institute includes synchronous presentations as well as time for independent/small group work. You agree to participate in all learning activities and throughout the day.
The institute will use Zoom for all synchronous learning activities. You will need to make sure to have a computer with a functioning web camera, microphone and headsets.
The institute will use Catalyst to share all institute information including daily zoom links. You will receive an invitation to join a private group on Catalyst prior to the start of the institute.
institute facilitatorsthomas sauer & laura terrill

Thomas Sauer is the Co-Director of Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning (PEARLL), and Assistant Director of Resource Development at the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) at the University of Maryland.
Since joining the NFLC in 2017, Thomas has been responsible for the identification, development, and design of resources to support the NFLC mission and programs, projects, and initiatives. Thomas collaborates with the STARTALK program and the PEARLL resource center to develop long-term goals and identify shorter-term initiatives to meet those goals. In this capacity, he directs the work of the STARTALK resource team in developing materials for applicants, program directors, team leaders, consultants, and staff.
Before joining the PEARLL and the NFLC, Thomas was an independent consultant and world language specialist for several urban school systems. He has taught German at the University of Kentucky, Georgetown College, the Kentucky Institute for International Studies, and Kentucky Educational Television, and he previously served on the board of directors of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and as president of the Kentucky World Language Association. He also served on the boards of the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages and the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Laura Terrill is a national consultant who currently serves as the Senior Associate for Professional Development for the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) at the University of Maryland.
Laura holds a BA in French from the University of Missouri — St. Louis and a MA in Secondary Administration from Northeast Missouri State University. She taught French at all levels for 21 years before becoming the Coordinator of Foreign Language and English as a Second Language and then, Director of Curriculum. She has taught methods courses in St. Louis and in Indianapolis and continues to present at the local, state, regional and national levels. She has served on the Board of Directors for Central States and ACTFL. She is the recipient of the Founders Award for Central States, has been named as the NADSFL District Supervisor of the Year and has received the ACTFL Florence Steiner Award for Leadership. She recently co-authored the Second Edition of ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning: Effective Curriculum, Unit and Lesson Design.