reset your expectations: renew, restore, repair
How are you going to respond when returning language learners don’t meet your skills and performance expectations? Back to school re-entry into learning can be a challenge every fall, but this year the challenge might seem greater due to the variety of unusual factors learners experienced last school year. Almost all students who return to the classroom this fall will have differences in previous learning experiences, either purposefully planned by teachers dealing with limited contact time or as a result of interrupted learning experiences due to the pandemic. Participants in this collaborative and interactive learning experience will explore key connections among remediation, review, and acceleration interventions and research- and brain-based learning strategies that positively impact student learning outcomes and fill skills and performance gaps. Take-aways from this institute will include facilitated and guided practice to integrate strategies into lesson planning and implementation.
July 6 - 8, 2021
The schedule for each day includes varies learning formats. See below for details.
CEU Credit
Participants may receive an optional 1.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
Registration is extremely limited in order to personalize the learning.
The entire institute will take place online.
- 10:00 AM — 11:30 AM (ET)
Small Group Processing & Independent Work - 12:00 PM — 1:30 PM (ET)
Small Group Processing & Independent Work - 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM (ET)
Feedback On Independent Work / Presentation - 3:00 PM — 4:00 PM (ET)
Facilitated Discussion & Reflection
All times are listed as Eastern Time. Please adjust for your timezone.
The institute includes synchronous presentations as well as time for independent/small group work. You agree to participate in all learning activities and throughout the day.
The institute will use Zoom for all synchronous learning activities. You will need to make sure to have a computer with a functioning web camera, microphone and headsets.
The institute will use Catalyst to share all institute information including daily zoom links. You will receive an invitation to join a private group on Catalyst prior to the start of the institute.
institute facilitatorgreta lundgaard

Greta Lundgaard is a Senior Associate at the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland and is a content and professional development specialist with the STARTALK Program. Greta holds a BS in Education and an MA in German and Second Language Acquisition. She taught English, Biology, and all levels of German before becoming the District Coordinator of Foreign Languages for the Lewisville, TX Independent School District and the Plano, TX Independent School District. Greta was named the NADSFL Supervisor of the Year in 2014, received the ACTFL Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in K-12 Education in 2016 and in 2017 was awarded the Ludwig Award for Leadership in World Language Education by the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers. She has served both on the Board of Directors and as President of the Texas Association for Language Supervision, the National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages, and the Southwest Conference of Language Teaching. Greta is a session and workshop presenter at state, regional and national foreign language conferences and frequently partners with schools and school districts to provide coaching and professional learning experiences for world language teachers.