TELL me more - Virtual Roundtables
Learner experiences are possible because of the work done by the teacher. But what exactly do effective teacher have to do in order to facilitate those experiences? Discover and discuss the new TELL Learner Pathways during this series of roundtable discussions. These online events target those who support other language educators (department chairs, instructional coaches, district supervisors, etc.) Each month, we will review a group of TELL Framework criteria that support a key learning experience and then engage in multiple rounds of discussions to collaboratively develop solutions.
All roundtable discussion will take place via Zoom at 4 PM (ET), 3 PM (CT), 2 PM (MT), 1 PM (PT). There is no cost to participate, however registration will be limited to ensure meaningful conversations among all participants.

using learning targets & checks for learningJanuary 26
In order to facilitate highly effective learning experiences for students: (1) teachers create and share daily learning targets and reference the learning targets throughout the lesson, (2) learners engage in activities that allow them to demonstrate progress toward the learning targets, and (3) teachers use checks for learning at appropriate points during and at the end of the lesson to determine how well individual students have met the learning target.
How might you and your students use learning targets and checks for learning?
planning a learning cycleFebruary 23
In order to facilitate highly effective learning experiences for students: (1) teachers design a sequence of activities to capture and maintain student energy and commitment, (2) teachers intentionally sequence lessons keeping in mind the age and attention span of the student, (3) learners move from comprehensible input activities to guided and collaborative performance activities before completing a check for learning that allows for independent application of new learning.
How might you implement this gradual release of responsibility to give more and more control to learners as they move through each phase of a lesson?
moving from input to outputMarch 23
In order to facilitate highly effective learning experiences for students: (1) teachers select authentic texts and resources appropriate for the theme and performance targets of the unit, (2) teachers plan cognitively engaging activities that offer opportunities for students to process language in the interpretive mode before expecting students to produce language in the interpersonal and presentational modes.
How might you move your students from processing language input to producing language output?
using performance assessmentsApril 27
In order to facilitate highly effective learning experiences for students: (1) teachers use units and performance assessments that provide a meaningful and purposeful context that is cognitively engaging and relevant to learners, (2) teachers monitor learning through formative and summative performance tasks that allow learners to demonstrate progress, (3) teacher provide feedback that is timely and allows learners to act on to improve future performance.
How might you use performance assessments to advance student learning?