Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning
A Title VI Language Resource Center
2020 PEARLL Summer Institutes
PEARLL is excited to continue its annual summer institute with two sessions during summer 2020. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the annual summer institute format has been transformed into a virtual professional learning experience. Each session will be offered as a primarly synchronous online institute. The schedule for each session includes daily synchronous presentations as well as time for independent or partner/group work and a break for lunch. The entire institute will take place using Zoom as well as Google Drive. Registrants should be comfortable with using these tools to support their professional learning.
PEARLL summer institute sessions are limited in the number of participants in order to provide an in-depth and personalized professional learning experience. Participants will not just learn about the focus topic of the session, but will be challenged to complete multiple tasks over three days that will directly support their teaching practice in practical, tangible ways. All participants will receive individualized feedback on their work from the institute facilitator, which will further enable them to reflect, grow, and feel more prepared for whatever challenges the coming academic year may bring.

July 15-17, 2020 & August 18-20, 2020

July 28-30, 2020 & August 11-13, 2020
Cover Less, Learn More
Facilitated by Laura Terrill
What is essential? A time of unprecedented change gives educators a chance to rethink what they do and why they do it. Paradigm shifts related to curriculum, instruction and assessment occur not for the sake of change, but because current reality is different. This workshop will highlight two key principles from the Coalition of Essential Schools. “Less is more” and “student as worker, teacher as coach” in order to gain insights into what might be possible as we move forward. Apply these principles by determining essential functions with unit and lesson goals that address the start of what may be a very different school year. Design lessons that address the three modes for implementation in the classroom or online.
Through the Learner Lens: Motivation, Feedback, Success
Facilitated by Greta Lundgaard
It is more important than ever to have a clear understanding of what the concept of “learner engagement” consists of. Having a firm grasp on the elements that influence learner engagement will positively impact planning and instructional choices. Participants in this collaborative and interactive learning experience will explore key connections between motivation and instructional design, key steps in lesson design influencing responsibility and ownership, and key elements of feedback that lead to learner proficiency growth: critical steps in engaging and sustaining engagement throughout the learning process.
Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning
National Foreign Language Center
University of Maryland
5600 Rivertech Court, Suite K
Riverdale, MD 20785