2022 summer institute series
Effective language learning experiences are possible because of the work done by the teacher, but you can’t do it all and there is never enough time. Focus on what it really means to teach with the learner in mind. Each online institute in the series TELL Pathways to Learner Success addresses different aspects of the student learning experience providing busy educators with unique opportunities to focus on an area of personal growth of interest to them. Each institute is designed to focus on the most essential proven principles and practices. Join other educators who have selected the same area of focus and collaborate to process and apply new learning in small group discussions. This summer, pick an area of focus important to you. Explore effective practices and start the school year more energized and ready to embed practices that keep the focus on the learner.
June 14-16
implementing performance assessments
In this online institute you will learn to use units and performance assessments that provide a meaningful and purposeful context that is cognitively engaging and relevant to learners. Discover how to monitor student progress through formative and summative tasks. Practice how to provide feedback that allows learners to improve future performance.
Institute Facilitator: Iman Hashem, Occidental College (CA)
June 21-23
using the target language
In this online institute you will discover how to facilitate learning by ensuring that the target language is used at least 90 percent of the time. Focus on verbal and non-verbal strategies that make the target language comprehensible and allow for frequent checks for understanding in order to modify input as necessary. Support learners as they engage in a variety of activities without resorting to their native language.
Institute Facilitator: Meiching Chang, Glastonbury Public Schools (CT)
post-secondary perspective on proficiency
In this online institute you will identify characteristics of a meaningful and relevant curriculum at the post-secondary level based on the principles of proficiency. Using Backward Design, set priorities for a sequence of courses. Evaluate essential course content and learning outcomes. Create context for purposeful and cognitively engaging units that advance learner proficiency. Assess learners for what they can do in each of the communicative modes.
Institute Facilitator: Charlotte Gifford, Greenfield Community College (MA)
July 19-21
designing effective learning cycles
Design a sequence of activities to capture and maintain learners energy while allowing students to demonstrate progress toward learning targets. Sequence lessons keeping in mind the age and attention span of the learners making certain that they frequently demonstrate independent application of new learning. Apply retrieval strategies that allow learners to recycle and demonstrate retention of learning.
Institute Facilitator: Laura Terrill, PEARLL consultant
July 26-28
focusing on teacher strengths
In this online institute, designed for department chairs, instructional coaches, and district supervisors, you will learn how to identify what needs to be in place for educators to be able to deliver quality instruction. Consider what constitutes effective feedback. Use the TELL framework and observation tools to analyze evidence from classroom observations. You will develop the ability to comment in terms of your reactions to what was observed while allowing educators to plan their next steps for growth.
Institute Facilitator: Thomas Sauer, PEARLL Codirector
August 2-4
moving learners from input to output
In this online institute you will learn how to immerse learners in a language-rich environment where they have frequent opportunities for interpreting and expressing meaning in a real-world context. Get tips on selecting authentic texts and resources appropriate for the theme and performance targets of a unit. Discover how to plan cognitively engaging activities that offer opportunities for learners to process language in the interpretive mode before expecting them to produce language in the interpersonal and presentational modes.
Institute Facilitator: Maris Hawkins, Capitol Hill Day School (DC)
August 8-10
connecting learning target to checks for learning
In this online institute you will learn how to create and share daily learning targets and reference the learning targets throughout the lesson. Discover how to design activities that allow students to make progress toward the learning target. Use appropriate checks for learning during and at the end of the lesson to determine how well students have met the learning target.
Institute Facilitator: Mike Travers, Wellesley High School (MA)
cancellation policy
PEARLL will confirm institutes no later than 14 days prior to their scheduled starting date.
PEARLL will only confirm your institute registration after receiving full payment.
If you must cancel:
If a participant chooses to cancel their confirmed registration or does not attend the institute, the following refunds will apply:
– The registered participant may invite another person to substitute their place in the institute (in which they are registered) at any time at no charge;
– If notice is received 14 or less days from the scheduled starting date, no refund will be offered; and
– If notice is received 15 or more days from the scheduled starting date, a full refund will be offered.
If PEARLL must cancel:
If PEARLL has not received sufficient confirmed registrations 14 days in advance of a scheduled starting date, the institute may be cancelled. In the unlikely event that the institute is cancelled, PEARLL will notify all confirmed participants immediately, and all participants will receive a full refund.
summer institute requirements
All institute schedules are posted as Eastern Time. You agree to be aware of differences in your timezone and join every required session on time.
All institutes includes synchronous presentations as well as time for independent/small group work. You agree to participate in all learning activities and throughout the day.
All institutes will use Zoom for all synchronous learning activities. You will need to make sure to have a computer with a functioning web camera, microphone and headsets.
All institutes will use Catalyst to share all institute information including daily zoom links. You will receive an invitation to join a private group on Catalyst prior to the start of the institute.
research announcement
As a participant in a PEARLL summer institute, you will have the opportunity to take part in a study examining the impact of the summer institute on teachers. Participation in the study will include completing a few surveys, and may include participating in an interview about your views of the material addressed in the summer institute. We will provide more information about this study prior to your summer institute.