to learner
Learn with Experienced Classroom Educators!
which pathway will you explore this summer?Participate in a PEARLL summer institute to explore effective practices and start the new school year energized!
Effective language learning experiences are possible because of the work done by the teacher, but you can’t do it all and there is never enough time. PEARLL has offered summer institutes since 2019 and helped hundreds of teachers focus their practice in order to discover what it really means to teach with the learner in mind.
This year’s PEARLL summer institutes are once again built around the TELL Pathways to Learner Success providing busy educators with unique opportunities to focus on an area of personal growth of interest to them. Join other educators to acquire new knowledge on the most essential proven practices, collaborate to process new learning in small group discussions, and apply new skills with the help of an experienced educator. This summer, PEARLL invites you to explore effective practices and start the school year more energized and ready to embed practices that keep the focus on the learner.
choose a focus

PEARLL summer institutes address different aspects of the student learning experience providing, busy educators with the opportunity to focus on a high-priority area of personal growth. Discover practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathways.
learn from & with teachers

PEARLL summer institutes are facilitated by highly experienced educators who have a demonstrated history of classroom success, as well as a passion for supporting other educators in identifying and reaching their own professional goals through sharing of resources from their own practice.
grow your effectiveness

All 2023 PEARLL summer institutes are designed as online professional learning experiences that allow you to connect with other educators from the comfort of your home. Each institute will provide a mixture of synchronous presentations and discussions as well asynchronous processing tasks.
what previous participants said
The instructor was amazing. She helped me understand what is essential in terms of designing a thematic unit, and performance-based/proficiency-focused assessments. She helped me broaden my perspectives and insights when using authentic resources.
The scheduling of the synchronous and asynchronous sessions was perfect! I loved being able to hear the facilitator present and share and then having time to absorb on my own as well as take care of life happening here around me in my home.
I am very excited to get started teaching life-like tasks. I feel as though I have been caught in between former ways of teaching (worksheets, etc.) and this way of teaching, but never quite knew how to make the shift.
Thanks to PEARLL’s summer institute, I am motivated to continually improve my lesson plans to help students to be more engaged and productive in learning.
I really enjoyed the online format of the class. The asynchronous time provided an opportunity to digest the material and the group time was helpful.
It was brilliant – I got to meet with 15-20 colleagues from around the world without leaving my living room.
schedule & descriptions
Each institute provides 15 hours of online professional learning by combining synchronous presentations, time for small group processing, as well as asynchronous activities. Each will take place via PEARLL’s Learning Management Platform and Zoom. All institutes are scheduled for 11 AM – 4 PM (Eastern Time).
June 13-15
moving learners from input to output
Learn how to immerse learners in a language-rich environment where they have frequent opportunities for interpreting and expressing meaning in a real-world context. Get tips on selecting authentic resources appropriate for the theme and targets of a unit. Discover how to plan cognitively engaging activities that offer opportunities for learners to process language in the interpretive mode before expecting them to produce language in the interpersonal and presentational modes. This online institute will provide practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathway: Moving from Input to Output.
Institute Facilitator: Bertha Delgadillo, Woodville-Tompkins Institute (GA)
June 20-22
using the target language
Discover how to facilitate learning by ensuring that the target language is used at least 90 percent of the time. Focus on verbal and non-verbal strategies that make the target language comprehensible and allow for frequent checks for understanding in order to modify input as necessary. Support learners as they engage in a variety of activities without resorting to their native language. This online institute will provide practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathway: Using the Target Language.
Institute Facilitator: Sara Chao, New Trier Township High School (IL)
July 11-13
developing a standards-based curriculum
Design a standards-based, thematic unit where learners focus on meaningful communication in contexts that are appropriate for the age and proficiency level of the students. Integrate culture, content, and language while building intercultural communicative competence. Determine appropriate next steps toward a curriculum that is vertically and horizontally aligned. This online institute will provide practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathway: Creating a Standards-based Curriculum.
Institute Facilitator: Laura Terrill, PEARLL
July 18-20
implementing performance assessments
Learn how to use units and performance assessments that provide a meaningful and purposeful context that is cognitively engaging and relevant to learners. Discover how to monitor student progress through formative and summative tasks. Practice how to provide feedback that allows learners to improve future performance. This online institute will provide practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathway: Using Performance Assessments.
Institute Facilitator: Iman Hashem, Occidental College (CA)
July 18-20
connecting learning targets to checks for learning
Learn how to create and share daily learning targets and reference the learning targets throughout the lesson. Discover how to design activities that allow students to make progress toward the learning target. Use appropriate checks for learning during and at the end of the lesson to determine how well students have met the learning target. This online institute will provide practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathway: Using Learning Targets.
Institute Facilitator: Thomas Sauer, PEARLL Co-Director
July 25-27
sequencing learning activities
Learn how to design a sequence of activities to capture and maintain learners’ energy while allowing students to demonstrate progress toward learning targets. Sequence lessons keeping in mind the age and attention span of the learners making certain that they frequently demonstrate the independent application of new learning. Apply retrieval strategies that allow learners to recycle and demonstrate retention of learning. This online institute will provide practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathway: Sequencing Activities.
Institute Facilitator: Mike Travers, Wellesley High School (MA)
August 1-3
moving learners from input to output
Learn how to immerse learners in a language-rich environment where they have frequent opportunities for interpreting and expressing meaning in a real-world context. Get tips on selecting authentic resources appropriate for the theme and targets of a unit. Discover how to plan cognitively engaging activities that offer opportunities for learners to process language in the interpretive mode before expecting them to produce language in the interpersonal and presentational modes. This online institute will provide practical advice for implementing strategies identified in the TELL Learner Pathway: Moving from Input to Output.
Institute Facilitator: Rebecca Blouwolff, Wellesley Middle School (MA)
institute facilitators
PEARLL summer institutes are facilitated by experienced educators who have a demonstrated history of classroom success, as well as a passion for supporting other educators in identifying and reaching their own professional goals. PEARLL is honored to be able to offer a series of online institutes with such a highly qualified group of educators.

Rebecca Blouwolff
Rebecca Blouwolff has taught French at Wellesley Middle School in MA since 1998, but fell in love with middle schoolers while serving as a Fulbright teaching scholar at a collège in Saint-Omer, France. Novice students inspire her to create engaging, age-appropriate lessons focused on global awareness. Together with her husband, she speaks non-native French at home to her own two children. She earned a B.A. magna cum laude in American Civilization and Judaic Studies at Brown University, and an M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a certified MOPI tester, a National Board Certified Teacher, 2019 MaFLA and NECTFL Teacher of the Year, and 2020 ACTFL Language Teacher of Year.

Sara Chao
Sara Chao teaches Mandarin Chinese at New Trier Township High School in Illinois. She is an enthusiastic educator with over 20 years of experience. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS). Sara regularly presents at CLASS and ACTFL, and has been serving as a Team Leader for STARTALK Read-On Literacy Program since 2012. Sara regularly facilitates workshops and presents on numerous topics such as literacy development, using authentic materials, technology integration for world languages, and fostering an inclusive community.

Bertha Delgadillo
Bertha Delgadillo is a high school Spanish teacher who teaches levels 2, 3, and AP Spanish Language & Culture in Savannah, Georgia. She is also a National Board Certified Teacher and serves as the lead facilitator for the high school Spanish professional learning community sponsored by the Georgia Department of Education World Language & Global Workforce Initiatives.

Iman Hashem
Iman Hashem is the 2019 California World Language Teacher of the Year. Iman has designed courses for teaching Arabic as a world and heritage language. She is the author of published and unpublished textbooks and multimedia course materials. Iman has shared her exceptional expertise by serving as a consultant for Arabic teaching programs at public and independent institutions, developing standards-based curricula and instructional resources, supervising teacher candidates, and serving as a STARTALK Team Leader.

Thomas Sauer
Thomas Sauer is the codirector of PEARLL, a Title VI language resource center at UMD, where he has facilitated face-to-face and online annual professional development for language teachers. He previously worked as an independent consultant and a K–12 world language specialist for several school systems in Kentucky. Mr. Sauer taught German at the University of Kentucky, Georgetown College, the Kentucky Institute for International Studies, and Kentucky Educational Television. He is a sought-after workshop facilitator, curriculum developer, and keynote speaker. He previously served as an instructional lead for several successful STARTALK teacher programs. Mr. Sauer holds an MA in instructional leadership and school administration from Bellarmine University.

Laura Terrill
Laura Terrill is a nationally recognized independent consultant who recently worked as the senior associate for professional development for the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. She taught French at all levels for 21 years before becoming the coordinator of foreign language and English as a second language and then director of curriculum for a school district in Missouri. She has taught methods courses in St. Louis and Indianapolis and continues to present at the local, state, regional, and national levels. She has served on the board of directors for the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and ACTFL. She coauthored the second edition of The Keys to Planning for Learning: Effective Curriculum, Unit, and Lesson Design. Ms. Terrill holds a BA in French from the University of Missouri and an MA in secondary administration from Northeast Missouri State University.

Mike Travers
Mike Travers is a Spanish teacher at Wellesley High School in Massachusetts and has taught learners both Spanish and French at the novice and intermediate levels. Mike is very active in professional learning communities through MaFLA, NECTFL, and ACTFL, where he presents, facilitates or participates in conferences and workshops to continue learning more about proficiency-based teaching. Mike is a member of the MaFLA Board of Directors and NECTFL’s advisory board and the winner of multiple awards for his presentations at MaFLA and NECTFL.
Be sure to review all registration policies outlined on this page BEFORE completing your registration!
Each institute has a unique registration link. Be sure to choose the link that aligns with the title of the institute you are hoping to attend. If you plan to register for more than one institute, you will need to complete registration for each separately.
June 13-15
moving learners from input to output
June 20-22
using the target language
July 11-13
developing a standards-based curriuculum
July 18-20
implementing performance assessments
July 18-20
connecting learning targets to checks for learning
July 25-27
sequencing learning activities
August 1-3
moving learners from input to output
registration policy
– All participants for a summer institute must register online using the links above.
– If you plan to register for more than one institute, you will need to complete registration for each separately.
– Registration will close three business days before the start of each institute (on Thursday of the previous week).
– All registrations must include payment via credit card. Registrations via purchase orders cannot be accepted by the University of Maryland.
– PEARLL will confirm your institute registration upon receipt of full payment.
– All registrations are on a non-credit basis. A professional development certificate for 15 hours will be made available upon completion of all tasks at the end of each institute.
cancellation policy
If you must cancel:
If a participant chooses to cancel their confirmed registration or does not attend the institute, the following refunds will apply:
– The registered participant may invite another person to substitute their place in the institute in which they are registered at any time at no charge;
– If a cancellation request is received 3 or less days from the scheduled starting date, no refund will be offered; and
– If a cancellation request is received 4 or more days from the scheduled starting date, a full refund will be offered.
If PEARLL must cancel:
If PEARLL has not received sufficient confirmed registrations 3 days in advance of a scheduled starting date, the institute may be canceled. In the unlikely event that the institute is canceled, PEARLL will notify all confirmed participants immediately, and all participants will receive a full refund.